International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) – Conservation Measures2.5Transparency in Reporting Progress Against ISSF Five-Year Goal

Sea Value is a founder and member of the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) that has conservation measures (CM) to improve the long-term health of tuna fisheries. As the ISSF CM 2.5, the percentage of Sea Value purchases (measured in round ton equivalents) for the period Q1 2024 to Q3 2024 as follows:

To comply with ISSF CM 2.5, Sea Value informs suppliers about the company’s Sustainable Seafood Procurement and Processing Policy, as well as ISSF conservation measures, and encourages them to comply with ISSF CM 2.5. In 2024, Sea Value intends to decrease purchases from “none of the above” categories by increasing purchases from Fishery Sources that are MSC Certified, MSC Assessment, In Transition to MSC (ITM), and Comprehensive FIPs by at least 20%, including purchases from Supplier Sources that are ISSF participating companies, Data check companies, and Direct from vessels by at least 12%. Furthermore, every quarter there is monitoring by informing a person in charge about % Fishery sources categories and % Supplier source categories.

Further information on ISSF CM 2.5 is available at: