As ISSF’s conservation Measures if purchasing tuna from large scale purse seine vessels, for all of trips beginning on or after January 1, 2016, ensure that 100% of those vessels are on the ISSF PVR. Additional supply and tender vessels which are used for maintaining a purse seine vessel’s network of drifting FADs at sea will be controlled and register on the PVR. This conversation calls for all ISSF participating companies to register their controlled purse seine vessels and supply and tender vessels on the PVR.
Sea Value has encouraged tuna suppliers to register large scale purse seine and supply and tender vessels on the PVR list.
Since 2019, Sea Value Group’s tuna manufacturer has been receiving tuna raw material from 100% of large scale purse seine vessel that are on the PVR list.
Sea Value encourages tuna caught by longline vessels shall register on the PVR and Sea Value push to increase purchases from longline vessels registered on the PVR list.
From October 2020 to September 2021, Sea Value received tuna raw material from longline vessels on the PVR list for 33.39%.
From October 2021 to September 2022, Sea Value received tuna raw material from longline vessels on the PVR list for 0.00%.
From October 2022 to December 2023, Sea Value received tuna raw material from longline vessels on the PVR list for 0.00%.
From January 2024 to September 2024, Sea Value received tuna raw material from longline vessels on the PVR list for 0.00%.